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Monday 3 June 2013


What should have been a simple meeting purely to clarify and confirm our identities, turned into a bit of a grilling. We expected this at a later stage, deeming it as essential, but not on our very first meeting. Enquiries about childhood, previous marriages, mortgages, finance, health and much more. On hindsight she actually seemed more interested in our house, the area and having a look round, than she was about our suitability for parenthood.

We were so desperate not to say or do anything that would jeopardise our chances of eventually receiving a child, that we went with it. But following you can't help but review every question, response, throw away comment or joke for evidence of idiocy or mistake.

From this initial meeting and if provisionally approved, we then have a four day course either in early July or September. She gave us the dates for July with a wink (of sorts)- the 8th, 9th & 11th (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday) and a fourth day later in the month. Typical government agency (social services) no logical pattern or rational explanation. Sadly these dates correspond perfectly with a diocesan review of Liz's department and would no doubt heap further pressure onto her already burdened shoulders

Whilst the ward would have to be obliging, obviously the more notice I can give the better. I don't feel I can even really mention the possibility until we have received written confirmation; no need to generate unnecessary heat or hassle. Even if we attended the three day course without issue, there was still the concern that the subsequent final day would clash with our summer holiday.   

Evidence suggests that the September course would be better all round, but of course again we can't say this for fear of receiving a black mark against our names by putting work, a holiday or life before a child. But this isn't the case, sadly nothing can be processed until we have completed this short course, so two months delay in completion equals a possible two month delay in receiving a child.

We wait ... 

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