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Saturday 4 May 2013

Pleased as ...

To be asked to be Harriet Elizabeth's Godfather.

I'm sure to be more activity involved in her development, upbringing and supervision than I am in my other two godchildren. I send regular gifts and hear from both occasionally but it's pretty one sided in terms of thank you letters and the like. Perhaps I need to up my game?

My first godchild was the second child of my ex-wife's brother, consequently I made the decision that my only involvement could & should be to be a mysterious figure that sends regular gifts, but beyond that is distant. To have any greater involvement seemed highly inappropriate.

My second is my cousins daughter, born the week following of the breakdown of my first marriage. I always though my appointment was a little bit of a sympathy vote to try and cheer me up at a low eb. My involvement is greater in her life certainly, but she seems to be succeeding without any input from myself.

Thankfully I am assured to be more involved with Harriet Elizabeth, just because we are very involved in the Biddlecombe's life and we live in close proximity. It was a bit of a surprise, C&R have always said they didn't want family to take on the role of godparents, and have previously appointed friends for the other two. Perhaps they haven't been involved as they had hoped or perhaps they have run out of close friends? Irrespective of the reasons, we are delighted. Pleased as punch.

Although we will treat HEB no differently than how we treat NVB & JJB already, we always felt we were their true godparents anyway just because if involvement and without having to stand at the front of the church to proclaim the fact. 

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