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Friday 14 June 2013

The streets aren't safe

If you can avoid the uneven paving, the poorly sited street furniture & signage and the dog turd littered paths, you are confronted by human detritus. They attempt to stop you as you reaching your destination, impeach as you go about your daily business, demand your time, your attention and frequently your money.

I admire anyone attempting to make a crust, but does it have to be at the expensive of me trying to go about my day.

I'm distrusting of wacky, wary of the zany (at the best of times). Today I was almost accosted by a bunch of young people (students I presume?) in fancy dress, distributing dental hygiene promotional literature. Thankfully I managed to avoid and consequently missed the opportunity to converse with either a tooth, a tooth fairy or a six foot red toothbrush.

Forgetting those in fancy-dress, the very sight of any lone soul clinging to a clipboard or wearing a charity logo emblazoned kagool desperately trying to make eye contact makes me take a wide swerve to avoid.

I'm the same with ...

Charity collectors (chuggers), paid street workers employed predominantly by reputable charities to guilt trip people into signing up for a monthly direct debit (swindling the elderly out of their pensions)

I don't doubt that all charities need to generate capital to continue their good work and I am sure that street work is very lucrative, and beyond being disturbed and inconvenienced that's my problem. 

We should all donate to charity, be encouraged to give to those causes close to our respective hearts, wouldn't it be great if a donation could be deducted from every wage and forwarded directly to your particular worth cause.

Yet we know cats, kids and cancer would do very well and those less cute / sexy / fashionable (delete as necessary) causes would be almost ignored.
Anyway ... those scum bags trying to foist their joke books or rag mags onto you, even though they appear long out of university or more accurately recently out of prison. The jokes aren't funny and the actual cause dubious. I tend to say or imply in fewer words ...  "If I give you £1 will you piss off?"

Evangalists and street preachers; whilst I admire your conviction and desire to spread the word, but is this the most effective form of evangelism. Irrespective of religion or denomination I think all appear to be a fundamentalists.

 I've always believe the best form of true evangelism is by simply living your life and being an example day to day. Make a difference in society and your community, be different and you will prick people's interest about your reasons and motivation.

And I haven't even got on to market researchers, gypsies distributing lucky heather (at a cost) and those ladies who try to sign you up to catalogues!

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