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Friday 28 June 2013

Mucus Update


Yesterday I rang work with the full intention of telling them I'd be back to the ward today, but even just having a short conversation I became acutely aware of how congested I sounded and how troublesome my cough remained. As I coughed and spluttered I made the decision that it was completely wrong to return; thankfully my colleague was understanding and appreciated that it was foolish to return before I'm well. I'm now not in until Tuesday, the following four days will hopefully allow me to recover fully?

I've probably been unwell for approaching a fortnight, but have felt proper horrible for five days. Work on Saturday was difficult, consequently I missed out on meeting up with the Biddlecombe's in Knowle on Sunday (and a nice Lunch) not wishing to pass on any bugs to the little people and making Cath & Rob's week harder.

Woke today feeling much better. Yesterday I was debating returning to my GP for another course of antibiotics and a sick note 'cause I continued to feel so grotty. Amazingly when I woke it appeared that my secretions had largely dried up, but following taking my morning tablet the mucus begins again ... It's not as vivid or plentiful as previously so I decide to sit tight instead of returning to the doctor's for a further appointment.

As wrong as it maybe I'm a little disappointed, attending the doctors would mean I could legitimately leave the house for an hour, even grab a Costa!?!

On top of the mucus, discomfort and general 'illness' the symptoms are significantly exacerbated by guilt and boredom. Both of which are likely to force an early return to work. I know potentially how busy it can be just with one man down, I'm also very aware of how many staff are currently off sick. Dropping like flies apparently. This makes the guilt grow and grow. You enter into an internal battle in respect of do your symptoms outweigh the guilt you feel? 

Boredom, quickly the novelty wears off and I'm left feeling bored. It's almost like being on house arrest, it is inappropriate to go out. I've made short dashes to the local co-op to pick up newspapers and pain killers, but I wouldn't go any further than that.

I think if you're well enough to be in a supermarket, out in town or at a coffee shop, then in most cases you're well enough to be at work. Certainly in terms of short term sickness, if you're off for longer (stress, chronic conditions, injuries, etc) than it becomes more acceptable. Liz doesn't necessarily agree, but then she had a period of lengthy sickness years ago and that perhaps taints your opinion? 

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